Tending the Light

A sacred space for mindful wintering

Tell me, my friend: is this true for you?

You’d like to finally experience a restful, quiet, intentional winter.

Your own needs get lost within the expectations of the season.

You struggle to find beauty and joy in the midst of the cold and dark.

I’ve been there too.

I used to dread winter. Now I treasure it.

For most of my life, I struggled with dread and despair as the days got shorter and the cold set in.

That changed when I decided to intentionally cultivate a more accepting relationship with wintertime.

In the dark season, we need more rest and nourishment. Our inner light needs special care and tending. This is a gift if we can embrace it.

Join me on a journey of intentional wintering, where we cultivate warmth by tending the light within.

Tending the Light will support you to:

Create space for rest and introspection during an often-stressful time

Love and care for your body through the challenges of the cold season

Discover what warms and enchants your spirit

Greet the new year in a spirit of self-acceptance, rather than self-improvement

Consciously release what you’re ready to shed and plant seeds for new growth

Connect to the aliveness of the earth and attune to the early signs of spring

What you receive

Weekly support between winter solstice and spring equinox

15 weeks of guided meditations, Yoga Nidra practices, reflection exercises, and embodiment practice videos, designed to gently encourage well-being, generative introspection, rest, and connection to the rhythms of the season.

  • Journal prompts & affirmations

    Winter Solstice meditation

    Yoga Nidra: Dark night, inner light

    Embodiment practice: Lymphatic drainage for immune support

  • Journal prompts & affirmations

    Meditation: Greet the new day

    Embodiment practice: Abhyanga

    Meditation: Relax into sleep

  • Journal prompts & affirmations

    Meditation: Honoring the Heart

    Embodiment practice: Releasing neck & shoulders

    Yoga Nidra: Trusting Life’s Flow

  • Journal prompts & affirmations

    Embodiment practice: Self-massage for sinuses

    Yoga Nidra: quick recharge

    Guided walking meditation

The curriculum

Hi! I’m Monica Basile, PhD.

I love sharing gentle, compassionate practices for cultivating wellbeing.

The tools I offer within this course are informed by my work as a massage therapist, craniosacral therapist, Reiki practitioner, and midwife, as well as my own decades-long yoga and meditation practices.

Everyone is welcome here. The materials in this space will never make assumptions about your gender or sexuality, family structure, living situation, or past experiences. I teach from an anti-oppressive, trauma-aware, body positive perspective.

Past students have said…

  • "I didn't know how much I needed this."

  • "The lessons are wonderful, and always so gentle and resonant. I come back to them again and again."

  • "This program has been an absolute life raft for me in a VERY difficult year."

Q & A

  • Every month, we'll explore a different theme. Every week on Friday, new content will be available -- a set of journal prompts and affirmations, a video practice, guided meditation, or a yoga Nidra practice. These are all pre-recorded.

    You'll receive an email every Friday morning inviting you into our beautiful course space to engage with the material at your convenience.

    We begin on December 15, 2023.

  • 10-30 minutes a week is all you need to engage with these practices, and since you have unlimited access to them, they are there for you to work with as much or as little as you’d like, or to come back to as many times as you wish!

  • There is no falling behind in this journey! This is a collection of supportive practices, offered on a weekly basis, rather than a traditional “class” that requires keeping up with. The practices are offered in an intentional flow to match the rhythms of the season, but you may work with the practices in any order.

  • YES! The practices I share here are designed to fit into a busy schedule. It’s amazing how much difference just a little bit of time can make.

    I know what it’s like to parent solo, to juggle multiple jobs and school, to deal with chronic illness, to live life on-call, and to be an essential worker in a pandemic. I created this program to be accessible for people with all kinds of schedules and commitments. This space is for you.

Our journey begins 12/15/23

Sign up today!

Tending the Light 2023
One time
For 3 months

✓ 15 week curriculum
✓ Unlimited lifetime access
✓ Includes winter intentions workshop
Tending the Light with 1:1 Individual Support
One time
For 3 months

✓ 15 week curriculum
✓ Unlimited lifetime access
✓ Includes winter intentions workshop
✓ PLUS Two 1-hour distance Reiki sessions

A portion of every enrollment will be donated to an organization helping those for whom the winter season brings extra challenge.

Donations will go to the Iowa City Shelter House and the Domestic Violence Intervention Program.

Questions? Please email monica@ravenandmagnolia.com