The Artist’s Way

13-week facilitated course

The Artist’s Way is more than just a widely-beloved book by Julia Cameron. It is a deeply effective, playful process of self-discovery.

It invites us to explore our creativity, uncover what truly brings us joy, and break through the fears and blocks keeping us from our authentic expression.

The Artist’s Way is for anyone who yearns for a more inspired, inspiring life. It’s for those who consider themselves artists of any kind (visual artists, writers, musicians, dancers, etc.), for people with creative hobbies or who aspire to have creative hobbies, and for those who would never dare describe themselves as artistic or creative. As Elizabeth Gilbert says, “If you’re alive, you’re a creative person.”

A safe space for connection & discovery

Each week, we will gather to support each other and reflect on:

  • The daily Morning Pages practice

  • The weekly Artist Date practice

  • The theme of the week’s chapter

  • Selected exercises from the week’s chapter

Monica is an experienced facilitator and space-holder who has journeyed through The Artist’s Way in group settings many times, beginning in 1995. She offers a heart-centered approach to the text, creating space for mindfulness, authenticity, and shared wisdom.

Please note that while this process facilitates self-discovery, Monica is not a licensed mental health professional, and this course does not constitute therapy.

Fall 2024 Session

Wednesdays, 5:30-7:30
August 28-November 20, 2024
Heartland Yoga, Iowa City

The Artist’s Way has truly changed my life. Its tools have informed my creative practice, and helped me build my confidence, curiosity and self-compassion. Each time I've journeyed through the process, I’ve discovered more layers of growth.

Monica Basile, PhD
artist, healer, facilitator


  • Weekly: About 2 hours (1 hour to read the chapter for the week and do 1-2 exercises, and 1 hour for your weekly artist date)

    Daily: About 30 minutes to do the morning pages practice.

  • No, this is not an art instruction course. There may be weeks during which you'll be invited to share something you've created as part our exercises for the week if you wish, but sharing is never mandatory.

  • That's totally fine! 13 weeks is a big block of time, and it's inevitable that not everyone will make it to each class. You will still be able to read the week's chapter on your own time and do the exercises if your time allows. Releasing perfectionism is a big part of this process, so don't worry too much if there's something you need to miss. And of course, if you are sick, I encourage you to stay home and care for yourself!

  • Not at this time. This class is an in-person experience for this session.

  • This is SO common! While it is possible to read the book and do the exercises as a solo experience, it tends to become difficult at some point to keep going. In my experience, and that of many others, the key to making it through the entire journey is committing to doing it with a group.

  • The Artist's Way does reflect a spiritual perspective and a belief in the divine, and it does use the word God. The author invites the reader to interpret this in any way one wishes, including substituting the phrase "Good Orderly Direction."

    It is absolutely possible for someone with a non-spiritual perspective to benefit from these materials -- but if textual references to spirituality, prayer, and faith are highly triggering, this may not be the best program for you.

    Monica's teaching style is inclusive and trauma-informed, and she welcomes people of all perspectives on matters of faith, religion, and spirituality.

Other questions? Please email

Join the Circle

Meeting Dates:

Wednesdays, 5:30-7:30
August 28-November 20, 2024
Heartland Yoga, Iowa City

Supplies Needed:

A copy of The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron

A journal or notebook

Artist's Way 2024

Space is limited.

Scholarships are available. Please email to inquire.

“No matter what your age or your life path, whether making art is your career or your hobby or your dream, it is not too late or too egotistical or too selfish or too silly to work on your creativity.”

-Julia Cameron