June Reflections
A story and a meditation about being in flow
Just a few days ago, I took a hike through Turkey Creek. It was a sunny summery morning, and I went down by the water. And I took a moment to sit, just watching the water flow.
There is something so powerful about watching a body of water. There’s something that feels very human about it — yet, also, there’s something in this activity that reminds me that we humans are also animals. We are not alone in seeking out bodies of water. I was recently talking with my partner about how fishing, too, is a cross-species activity - something humans do, along with so many other animals of all kinds.
As I was sitting and watching the water flow, listening to the birds, a water snake swam silently through the creek, dancing with the current. If I wouldn’t have been observing at just that second, I would have missed it. Snakes embody the energy of transformation, of skin-shedding, and this energy has been important to me lately, so it felt special to see it. It was swimming so quickly and so fluidly, and I don’t know this for sure, of course, but… it seemed happy. And that made me happy. As I thought about what exactly gave me this feeling, I realized: I think it was just that this little snake was in its element.
And we’re all happy when we’re in our element, right? And it’s a joy to watch others in their element.
So, in this spirit, I offer a contemplation and meditation about being in the flow, being in your element.
The background sound in this recording is from Turkey Creek.