Week 12
Recovering a Sense of Faith
This will be our last weekly meeting for The Artist’s Way, Fall 2024! Thank you, each and every one, for such a truly magical and deeply supportive journey together!
For next week:
To read:
Chapter 12
To do:
If you missed our last circle, we did task 8 from Chapter 11:
Write and mail an encouraging letter to your inner artist. Remember that your artist is a child, and loves praise and encouragement and festive plans.
I encourage you to please do this if you missed class! It took us about 10-15 minutes. If you’d like to bring me your letter to your inner artist (in a sealed and self-addressed envelope), I will mail it to you in a month!
If you have not yet sent me your artist’s prayer, please do so by the end of the day on Saturday, 11/16.
Please bring something for our collective artist’s altar to our last class.
Please add your contact info to our shared class list if you’d like to keep in touch with folks!